On Saturday we had our first Handicap Singles Tournament, this was a well attended event and everyone had a great day. The format was 4 leagues and then a knockout after lunch. The Handicap system worked really well and some members can look at a cut in theirs for the next one as they played so well.
The games threw up some unexpected results and no-one had an easy ride, with the final a very close match with Mike edging out Steve on the last end.
1 | Mike Rogacs |
2 | Steve Lesslie |
3 | Pail Grayson |
The next tournament will be in December so please keep an eye out for dates and timings.
On Sunday we opened the doors of the club for our Annual Open Day, as with anything these days there was a bit of a concern over if anyone would venture out, but we needn't have worried we had many people coming through the doors of all ages coming to try Bowls.
Some were new bowlers, some returning from a long lay off. All were made welcome with current members on hand to help with coaching and refreshments laid on as well.
Turpin's would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new members and we hope to see you at the club soon.
All Rights Reserved | Turpin's Indoor Bowling Club | webmaster@turpinsibc.com