Turpin's Indoor Bowling Club

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Dates for your Diary

22nd February Club Drawn Triples Registration from 09:15,
01st March Club Drawn 4s Registration from 09:15,
01st March BINGO! Night 07:00pm for 07:30pm start
08th March County League V JACKS
15th March QUIZ Night 07:30pm for 08:00pm start
29th March County League V FALCON
03rd April Mark Royal Roadshow Mobile Bowls Shop
11th, 12th, 13th Club Finals Weekend
One Yard Short

Welcome to Turpin's Indoor Bowls Club which is situated to the rear of the Lord Butler Fitness & Leisure Centre in Saffron Walden, Essex. The club is a well-equipped and well-run facility and always welcomes new members (shoes and bowls available to borrow).

Licensed bar, Tea & Coffee and Free car parking.

There are several informal sessions every week where bowlers can just turn up and play a friendly game and meet new people.

The Club also holds competitions for members and all members are able to enter County and National Competitions.

League Matches, County Matches and friendlies are played throughout the week, please call to book a rink and check availability. 

Free taster lesson available for all new bowlers, just ring the club 01799 525959 for details or email enquiries@turpinsibc.com

Opening Times

For all drives please ensure you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start time to help with the organisation of the teams. Thank You.

For Members rink booking please go to our Bowlr Site, for visitors wishing to book a rink please email rinkbooking@turpinsibc,com

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
0930 -1145 Drive Drive Drive
1145-1400 Drive

Drives, these are informal roll-ups, games are played over 12 ends. Please book, more detail on the Covid-19 page and our Blog page

Club Policies

Guest Wi-Fi Policy

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